In order to give you an estimate, we need to gather some basic information about your house. After submitting the form, one of our service representatives will contact you with a ballpark price. If you would like for us to come and give your professional assessment and an accurate price, please indicate so in the note section.
Please enter the room name you would like to have painted. Room Name: Enter a room name and do each room individually. We will present your estimate both on the screen and we will email it to you.
Enter the length in feet for each side of your room and specify which sides you would like painted. For irregular shaped rooms, enter the overall dimensions: (We will need all measurements to complete the estimate even if you do not want any or all sides painted)
Number of holes and cracks in walls and ceiling ? Few Some Many (required)
Do you want your ceiling painted? Yes No
How high is your ceiling ? feet (required)
Do you have ceiling molding? No Yes
Walls: Do you want your walls painted? Yes No
Are we painting a chair rail? Yes No
Are we painting a baseboard? Yes No
Are we painting any Wainscotting? Yes No
How many closets are we painting?
Windows: Enter the number of Windows by type
Doors: Enter the number of Doors by type
Do you need primer? Yes No
Number of coats of finish paint to apply (select one)? (required) One coat Two coats Three coats
What grade of paint do you want? (required) Good Better Best
The following items are hard to ballpark a price on. They would require an on-site evaluation: Kitchen Cupboards; Staircases, Built-in wall units, fireplaces.
Your Name: (required)
Your Email Address: (required)
Your Phone Number:
Street Address : (required)
City : (required)
Zip Code: (required)
Enter any special notes/instructions about this estimate.