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Estimate for your exterior painting project.

In order to give you an estimate, we need to gather some basic information about your house. After submitting the form, one of our service representatives will contact you with a ballpark price. If you would like for us to come and give your professional assessment and an accurate price, please indicate so in the note section.

Walls: Enter the length in feet for each side of your house and specify which sides you would like painted:

Check here if you wish to paint this wall
Check here if you
wish to paint this wall
exterior diagram feet
Check here if you
wish to paint this wall
Check here if you wish to paint this wall



(If you have more than one type of siding to choose from, pick the most predominant type of siding)

(a dormer is a window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.)

We need to know the total length in feet of fascia boards. Take your best guess, get out your measuring tape or for a more accurate estimate, or call us and we will do the hard work for you.

Concrete Pool Deck     Wood Deck     Fence     Patio






Enter any special notes/instructions about this estimate.



Painter For A day Special

Don’t you have a couple of things that you want done around the house, but are worried it's going to cost a lot? This special offer was created just for you.


$250 a room special!

Read about the BLS $250 a room special, That's right you can get any room in your house painting for only $250 per room, And two rooms for only $450.



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