New Construction


green promise

We are going green at no extra cost to you! As one of Austin's largest premier painting companies, we are trying to do our part in lowering fumes, saving trees, and being earth friendly.

Our paint material vendors have great quality Low VOC or Zero VOC products (Green Products) that we use on a day-to-day basis. We have partnered up with them to promote, inform, and encourage the use of Low VOC or Zero VOC paint products. This has allowed us to be informed and offer a Low VOC or Zero VOC product at no extra cost!

We have also began a recycling system in our shop and office. We recycle any paper, paint & lacquer thinner (for customers who request these products) and many more products. At our office we use more emails (upgraded key employees with smart phones), receive email faxes, scan and file on computer. This has allowed us to keep paper to a minimal as possible, easily track and find information, and lower our office supply bills. We have even changed our Color Expression Sheets from paper to our website, this alone saves us on an average 9-14 sheets per project, plus ink.

Our Green Promise:
Be the pioneer of paint companies and contractors in informing and promoting Low VOC and Zero VOC products and how-to-use in our community; allowing us to educate our customers, builders and employees. Be the pioneer of paint companies and contractors to offer quality paint service at the same competitive price using environmentally safe products.



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Painter For A day Special

Don’t you have a couple of things that you want done around the house, but are worried it's going to cost a lot? This special offer was created just for you.


$250 a room special!

Read about the BLS $250 a room special, That's right you can get any room in your house painting for only $250 per room, And two rooms for only $450.



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